Kenilworth Half Marathon
- Sports & Fitness
- 09 October, 2016
- 09 October, 2016
- Los Angeles / United States
The race is an out-and-back undulating course with a fast last mile downhill section. Many runners have obtained PBs in previous events. Runners start and finish in the grounds of the Castle Farm Recreation Centre in Kenilworth. On the course they are directed though the pleasant surrounding countryside, by the many encouraging Marshalls.
Event Schedule
Event Speakers
Family photography :
8:00h - 9:15h Gathering and coffee
Maecenas et ultrices massa, sed porta dui. Vivamus id pellentesque libero, ac pulvinar augue.
9:15h - 11:30h Turning leads into guests with content & UX
13:30h - 15:40h Performance advertising in tourism
16:00h - 17:30h Reaching your web visitors on other platforms
Event expired, so you can buy ticket at the moment.